For the Honor of GraySkull!!!

Major Features

Five Part Sword Assembly w/ Alignment Tabs
All five parts of the blade can be printed without supports and they are all connected by a standardized alignment tabs.
Insertable Lock-In Blade
The blade slides into the sheath and the jewel inserts to ensures the blade cannot slide out, that being said some additional glue never hurt.
Resin Jewel Kit

Included is another one of my resin jewel kits designed to be assembled with M3 bolts. Below are the required volumes for both the rubber mold and the actual resin cast. Remember to add a little extra to account for material left on the cup/mixing stick.
Rubber Volume = 98 mL
Resin Volume = 103 mL
Vertical Wall Mount

Included in the model is a three part wall mount with a spacer included to insure the sword sits perfectly straight up and down.

Here is my current WIP on the She-Ra sword. All the pieces are printed and assembled and I'm currently in the process of sanding the blade and the hilt. The Jewel Kit is also printed and on standby for the molding process.
What Next?
If you are looking to create you own models like this one feel free to checkout all of my tutorials on 3D modeling and prop making techniques.
If you are looking to purchase the model so that you can print your own you can find it in the store.
Lastly, make sure to check back in every once in a while to see what I've been working on
Thank you for your time