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HIGHCOM Sentinel Shoulder Armor

The flashiest pauldrons are no longer restricted to the HIGHCOM honor guard.

The moment I see this armor introduced into Halo: Infinite, I knew I needed to model them. I was lucky enough to have someone commission me to do it, so that really sped up the timeline of these pieces of artwork hitting the digital shelves.


Major Features

MkVII Modular Shoulder System Compatability

This shoulder piece is compatible with my existing MkVII Shoulder Set, meaning you can mix and match with all the shoulder pieces that comes with that original set. That should make this a relatively quick upgrade to your MkVII build. If you want to know more about the MkVII Modular Shoulder System, you can find it here. For those that dont have my system of wanted to use their own method of attachment, I attached a simple/solid plate of the entire pauldron in the files as well.

Seamless secure construction

Because this is one of the largest shoulder pieces in the game, I broke it up into several parts. The only visible seam that will need to be sanded are some small spots in the center of the outer fillagree. The two outer fillagrees come together utilizing a locking key, alignment feature. Then they firmly held in place by the ribbon detailing piece and the Bottom Fillagree piece that slide over the top of them both and squeeze them together. There have been holes left in the rear of the shoulder armor so that you can push these pieces out if you ever want to disassemble the armor. Lastly, the beautiful eagle centerpiece, slides in through the back. This center piece also features the universal mounting feature for my MkVII shoulder system.



If you have any MkVII builds using my models, I would love to see them! Email me at and I can offer you discount codes for finished photos of your props!


What Next?

If you are looking to create you own models like this one feel free to checkout all of my tutorials on 3D modeling and prop making techniques.

If you are looking to purchase the model so that you can print your own you can find it in the store.

Lastly, make sure to check back in every once in a while to see what I've been working on

Thank you for your time

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